Become Complete
If your email inbox or social media feed is like mine, it is full of advertisements with programs for you to become the new you. Whether it's for a revolutionary diet or for a workout program that will make you look twenty years younger, all of them promise more than they can deliver. Today's passage challenges you to become complete in your faith. This is something that you can accomplish.
"Finally, brethren, rejoice, be made complete, be comforted, be like-minded, live in peace; and the God of love and peace will be with you."
The Apostle Paul writes his farewell to the Corinthians. He encourages them to become complete, be comforted, and like-minded. The church in Corinth had a problem with spiritual maturity and unity. Paul wants them to work on these areas, but what does it mean to "become complete?" It's not becoming perfect but growing in your knowledge of Jesus Christ. The Corinthians thought they were experts in a few areas, but they lacked in many of the vital ones.
It is easy to focus on a few areas of Scripture and shun the rest. People don't do it knowingly unless it is in areas like end-times or spiritual gifts. (Interesting note, every believer is encouraged to be knowledgeable in both of those areas 1 Cor 12 & Rev 22) If you spend most of your time in the New Testament, commit to read the Old Testament. If you lean towards good works, read a lot about grace and mercy. Paul wants you to push yourself to become complete in all areas of theology and Scripture. This will impact every area of your life.
As you enter the new year, challenge yourself to become complete in your faith. Read your Bible every day. Sit under the teaching of a pastor who teaches through Scripture. Listen to podcasts and read books that will explain what complex subjects mean. At the end of next year, you will be more complete than when you started. You will also notice that petty issues that affected you in the past won't even register on your radar.